This has been a fun start to the week! Our robot CREATE station has been hopping. Third graders are getting to use the EDISON robots. These robots can complete different activities by reading a barcode. This is a great station to get students started on coding robots. I submitted the edmat into our county print shop where they were able to create these mats for us:
You can find the mats and the file to print HERE: MEET EDISON EDMAT. My print shop charged the library $15 per board, and they are very sturdy. These will last for a few years.
Once you have the mats, the directions are super easy to follow:
Step 1: Place Edison on the arrow to the right of the barcode
Step 2: Push the ROUND record button three times and wait for Edison to move forward and read the barcode.
Step 3: Play the code by pressing the TRIANGLE button.
Check out my ROBOT freebies for this station HERE! These are the signs I use with the standards, procedures, and I CAN statements. You can edit them to fit your needs!
Additional note ...I do love robots that students have to code using block coding, and Edison does not disappoint with this either. On their website, Edscratch, you can use their block coding program to get Edison to move around your library.
The video and directions are super easy to follow. My 4th and 5th graders love to use the block coding for Edison.
Here is the ROBOT chart I have at my RED STATION:
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