For grades K-2, R stands for ROBOTS.
Kindergarten: Kindergarten arrives in library at 2:05 PM. Having the makerspace buckets ready to go keeps my sanity for when they enter. They enter in the library, stand on a velcro dot and then I announce which station they are attending and often times will walk them to their station. The station chart I use comes in really handy with kindergarten.
For our ROBOT activity, I love love love the alpha and number robots that transform. I received a couple sets through the Amazon #clearthelist movement and some others through a Donor's choose campaign. Students can use these to identify letters, sounds, and numbers. They also work togethter to make words and then transform the words into robots. This keeps their attention for the full 20-30 minutes we are in stations, so this is definitely a WIN!
I have included the station signs, AASL standards, and directions.
Grades 1-2 get to code Beebot. Using Beebot on 2 different mats, students code Beebot around town and around a pirate island. Two rules: students can not pick up Beebot and Beebot can never leave the mat. Every where Beebot travels is because the students correctly coded him. This is the hardest part to teach...I let them know right away how to code his back so he moves forward and in reverse.
I have included the station signs, AASL standards, and directions.
HERE IS OUR ROBOT CHART AT THE TABLE THAT OUTLINES THE STANDARDS. If you would like to make a copy to modify the above chart, click HERE.